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Our Mission

We are Meraki, the go-getters. The kind of people who are relentless about our mission to help people learn anywhere, get anything, and earn their way. Knowledge is what we power. It’s our lifeblood. It runs through our veins. It’s what gets us out of bed each morning. It pushes us to constantly reimagine how we can provide better. For you. For all the places you want to go. For all the things you want to get. For all the ways you want to dream. Across the entire world. In real time. At the incredible speed of now.

We are an ability centered company that connects the physical and digital worlds to help make learning happen. Because we believe in a world where knowledge should be empowered. So, you can learn and be aspirational. Regardless of your gender, race, religion, abilities, or sexual orientation, we champion your right to learn without fear. Of course, we haven’t always gotten it right. But we’re not afraid of failure, because it makes us better, wiser, and stronger. And it makes us even more committed to do the right thing by our customers, local communities, and cities.

The idea for Meraki was born on a sunny day in 2020, and ever since then our DNA of reimagination and reinvention carries on. We’ve made learning possible right from nursery kids to corporate leaders. From tutors with accolades and experience to live learning, quality is our top priority every single day. At Meraki, the pursuit of reimagination is never finished, never stops, and is always just beginning.


Building Meraki has expected an eagerness to challenge orthodoxies, re-evaluate and once in a while even push our boundaries. As the requirements and preferences of our customers have evolved, we've evolved as well. Once again we're becoming something unique.

Since we're not even 1% finished with our work, we will work with an eye towards the future. We will upgrade for the joy and loyalty of our customers instead of any other means.

I need to close with my promise to you “ I won't be flawless, however I will pay attention to you.I will guarantee that we treat our customers with respect and I will run this business with enthusiasm, lowliness, and honesty”

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